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Read the article Mini Pig here
Out there

Small fly - large fish


The Pink Pig

Bonde's Mini Pig

Eskol's Mini Pig



1 - hook

2 - thread base

3 - ready for the tail

4 - prepare tail feather

5 - roll the barbs

6 - tie in

7 - tail length

8 - trim butts

9 - tail ready

10 - prepare tail

11 - tie in feathers

12 - cover butts

13 - trim butts

14 - take thread to hook bend

15 - moisten tail

16 - dubbing

17 - twister

18 - dubbing loop

19 - twist dubbing

20 - wrap dubbing

21 - body

22 - rear body done

23 - trim loop

24 - ready for eyes

25 - select eyes

26 - first eye

27 - second eye

28 - eyes in place

29 - trim eye butts

30 - eyes done

31 - dub thread

32 - wrap the dubbing

33 - finish dubbing

34 - final wraps

35 - whip finish

36 - cut thread

37 - ready for a brush-up

38 - brush

39 - varnish

Eskol's Mini Pig

A factory


The Mini Pig